Mini-Conference: Civil Society, Tourism, Anthropology
In July, the BAJS Japan Branch and the Research Faculty of Media and Communication, Hokkaido University, will co-host a mini-conference. The conference has three main themes: civil society, tourism and anthroplogy. Papers in Japanese Studies are also being given by members of BAJS. The event is bilingual. Papers are given in both English and Japanese.
Dates: 29-31 July 2016
Venue: Hokkaido University Conference Hall (next to the main gate) on 29 July; and in the Research Faculty of Media and Communication on 30-31 July.
13:20-17:30: 戦後日本の市民社会と東アジアーベトナム反戦運動から東アジアとの「連帯」へー (in Japanese).
Speakers: Simon Avenell(オーストラリア国立大学)、小川晃弘 Akihiro Ogawa(メルボルン大学)、坂元良江 Yoshie Sakamoto(テレビマンユニオン)、水溜真由美 Mayumi Mizutamari(北海道大学)、渡邉浩平 Kohei Watanabe(北海道大学)
Venue: 学術交流会館1階 第1会議室【北8条西5丁目】
Venue: メディア棟105室. Research Faculty of Media and Communication (North 17 West 8). Room 105. Click here for the campus map.
10:00-12:00: Postgraduate Student Session (in English)
Georgy Buntilov (Hokkaido University): “Images of Russia and Japan in printed media: Russia and Japan as G8 summit venues in Russian and Japanese newspapers”
Austin Smith (University of St Andrews): Mapping Memories of the Tokushima Air Raids
Laura Imai Messina (Tōkyō University of Foreign Studies): “What Remains, What Disappears: Objects and Memory in Ogawa Yōko’s Works”
Xinyu Wei (Hiroshima University): “Contents Tourism Development: Emergence of New Contents Tourism created by Tourists’ Own Information Dissemination”
13:00-15:30: Plenary session on Contents Tourism (bilingual in English and Japanese).
Keynote Lectures: Toshiyuki Masubuchi (Hosei University): 「コンテンツツーリズム研究-邂逅から展開へ-」; Carolin Funck (Hiroshima University): “Empowering tourists and/or destinations? Dilemmas of ‘new’ forms of tourism”
Discussants: Eric Johnston (The Japan Times); Johan J. Edelheim (University of Lapland)
Organisers: Philip Seaton and Takayoshi Yamamura (Hokkaido University)
16:00-:18:00: Panel “Popular Culture and Tourism” (in Japanese)
妙木忍 (東北大学): 「現代日本における性の展示とツーリズム―秘宝館という文化装置」
鑓水孝太(北海道大学): 「コンテンツツーリズムの視点から考える地域主体のサブカルチャーイベント:北海道の2事例を中心に」
Evening: Conference dinner
NOTE: There is another international symposium (anthropology) on the Saturday afternoon which BAJS members are welcome to join instead of the contents tourism sessions (in English and Japanese with consecutive translation).
International Sympoisum「東アジアにおけるフィールドワークの実践と課題」
Speakers: 河合洋尚 Hironao Kawai(国立民族学博物館)、藤野陽平 Yohei Fujino(北海道大学)、Shuge Wei(オーストラリア国立大学)、Thomas Cliff(オーストラリア国立大学)
Venue: メディア・コミュニケーション研究棟608室【北17条西8丁目】
9:30-11:00: Panel “Work and Society”
Ioannis Gaitanidi (Chiba University): “Japanese Studies as a Liberal Arts subject: Area Studies and Cosmopolitanism in Japanese higher education”
Herb Fondevilla and Lisander Martinez (Tsukuba University): “Poor but Happy: Feminization of Poverty on Japanese TV”
Peter Ackermann (University of Erlangen-Nürnberg, emeritus): “The concept of voluntary service and the Japanese ‘borantia’”
11:30-13:00: Panel “History”
Robert Morton (Chuo University): “A Partial Witness: A.B. Mitford and the Meiji Restoration”
Ian Ruxton (Kyushu Institute of Technology): “Ernest Satow & Japan during his Years away from the Country, 1883-1895”
Eric Johnston (The Japan Times): “The Politics of Memory, The Politics of History: Japan and Obama’s Hiroshima Visit”
Running order within panels is subject to change. If you are interested in attending, please contact Philip Seaton at Hokkaido University: seaton [at mark]